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Podcast #22: Hot Dogs (1980)

In Podcasts on May 1, 2012 at 8:38 pm

As you'll find out, the DVD was defective so I could not take screen captures. Here is a picture of some hot dogs.

Deep Throat made Harry Reems a highly unlikely star, but by 1980 his alcohol and drug abuse had pretty much killed his porn career. The obvious move was, of course, to go to Québec and take the straight-man role (no pun intended) in the least essential outing of the Maple Syrup Porn genre, Hot Dogs. Basically an even more sophomoric and plotless proto-Police Academy, Hot Dogs is so bored with its own identity that it barely has jokes and treats even its copious nudity as an afterthought. Consequently, we spend a good chunk of the episode discussing Lena Dunham’s show Girls, because we are people on the internet and the gods of the internet have asked all of us to chime with our opinions about Girls.

I also learned today that even singing a song on a podcast without consent might put you in the realm of copyright violation, so you should probably listen to this before the band Train sues us into oblivion for mistaking them for Jack Johnson.


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Music this week by Colors on Trial. The song The Inmates can be download for free here.